yia! rescheduled for October

The Covid curse has struck again and unfortunately, we find ourselves in lockdown during the week we would have been having our yia! Finalists’ Workshops and yia! Awards Night. But…

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Workforce actions

Our employment survey has highlighted that as a region we’re fortunate to have many local businesses willing to contribute and help with youth pathways or support people from non-traditional employment…

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Industry Open Day

Ara Rau is working with employers to develop a positive, inclusive, and empowering employment culture across the region, ensuring everyone in our community has the opportunity of a quality job…

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2021 Angel Awards

Recently Enterprise Angels celebrated its Annual Angel Awards; an opportunity to acknowledge members who have made a significant contribution to the network in terms of time, capital, and assistance during…

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Canvas Careers Expo returns to Trustpower Baypark

Priority One and Rotary Tauranga would like to thank Trustpower Baypark Arena for hosting what was a successful Canvas Careers Expo recently. With over 60 exhibitors from local businesses and…

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