
Let's work together!

Priority One, the Western Bay of Plenty’s economic development agency, has a clear purpose: to drive an economy underpinned by skilled talent, innovation, sustainability, and collaboration.

To deliver value to our members, Priority One executes work plans across several key sectors, including Talent Attraction and Investment, Innovation, Education, Māori Economic Development, City Centre Rejuvenation, Sustainability and Infrastructure.

The broad scope of our kaupapa provides a robust platform for us to operate at a strategic level.  We remove roadblocks, connect those that need to meet, seek critical information for the benefit of our members, and develop work plans to ensure meaningful, sustainable growth across organisations and sectors within the region.

As a member of Priority One, you benefit from:

  • Access to valuable connections, locally and nationally
  • Critical information to inform decision making
  • Strategic big picture long-term thinking
  • Support towards your organisational goals

Your membership contribution supports Priority One to encourage the region to grow by:

  • Ensuring the skills and talent critical for the prosperous future of our economy are accessible
  • Removing roadblocks and driving valuable change
  • Supporting the aspirations of the Western Bay of Plenty
  • Bridging the gaps between authorities and business

Membership Options

Priority One members have many direct and ‘soft’ benefits, such as network connections, exposure to what’s next and access to insights and data that supports critical planning.

Summary of benefits
Platinum Member

Priority One collaborates with our Platinum Members to develop collective solutions to the key challenges facing our region.

By becoming a Platinum Member, you become a strategic partner of Priority One and will bring the region’s economic aspiration into the heart of your business.

Priority One will work with your business on a bespoke basis, offering the opportunity to develop an individual work plan to support your needs. You will have regular access to a cross section of meaningful connections and

strategic information and play a critical role in informing and shaping Priority One strategic work plans. Your contribution as a Platinum Member will ensure that outcomes are possible for the Western Bay of Plenty’s economic development strategy.

Key benefits for Platinum Members:

  • A bespoke work plan, focusing on understanding and supporting your specific needs
  • Invitation to collaborate with Priority One on the region’s economic development strategy and targeted project(s) of mutual benefit
  • Opportunity to nominate an individual representative to the Priority One executive board
  • Direct and regular engagement with Priority One executives
  • Acknowledgement as a strategic partner on Priority One branded fortnightly newsletters.
  • A dedicated Key Account Manager
  • Input into the Western Bay of Plenty’s Economic Development Strategy
  • Opportunity to engage in critical leadership events.
  • Be part of a progressive business-led economic development agency, delivering prosperity to Western Bay of Plenty businesses and the community
  • Access to sector-specific information and plans
  • Opportunity to be profiled as a new member in the fortnightly Priority One newsletter to a wide database
  • Access to insights into current and future economic performance, developments, and trends
  • Advocacy for the Western Bay of Plenty economy
  • Economic support, assistance and advice across Priority One key strategic work areas
  • Early critical access to talent pipelines and the education sector to support a sustainable supply of skills
  • Invitation to attend Priority One economic updates, networking events and briefings
  • Organisation included in the Priority One online member directory.
  • Access to key information, updates, news, regional insights and data through Priority One fortnightly newsletters and regular economic reports.


Pricing available upon request.

Gold Member

Priority One’s strategic work areas aim to deliver value to each of our members whilst enabling regional economic success.

As a Gold Member of Priority One, our team will get to know your business, providing access to information and vital economic insights, which you can leverage to empower your organisational value and competitive

advantage. You will have the opportunity to share your organisational views which will inform the Western Bay of Plenty’s Economic Development Strategy and support the prosperity of the region.

Key benefits for Gold Members:


  • A dedicated Key Account Manager
  • Input into the Western Bay of Plenty’s Economic Development Strategy
  • Opportunity to engage in critical leadership events.
  • Be part of a progressive business-led economic development agency, delivering prosperity to Western Bay of Plenty businesses and the community
  • Access to sector-specific information and plans
  • Opportunity to be profiled as a new member in the fortnightly Priority One newsletter to a wide database
  • Access to insights into current and future economic performance, developments, and trends
  • Advocacy for the Western Bay of Plenty economy
  • Economic support, assistance and advice across Priority One key strategic work areas
  • Early critical access to talent pipelines and the education sector to support a sustainable supply of skills
  • Invitation to attend Priority One economic updates, networking events and briefings
  • Organisation included in the Priority One online member directory.
  • Access to key information, updates, news, regional insights and data through Priority One fortnightly newsletters and regular economic reports.



NZD$10,000 per annum (+GST)

Silver Member

Key benefits for Silver Members


  • Be part of a progressive business-led economic development agency, delivering prosperity to Western Bay of Plenty businesses and the community
  • Access to sector-specific information and plans
    Opportunity to be profiled as a new member in the fortnightly Priority One newsletter to a wide database
  • Access to insights into current and future economic performance, developments, and trends
  • Advocacy for the Western Bay of Plenty economy
  • Economic support, assistance and advice across Priority One key strategic work areas
  • Early critical access to talent pipelines and the education sector to support a sustainable supply of skills
  • Invitation to attend Priority One economic updates, networking events and briefings
  • Organisation included in the Priority One online member directory.
  • Access to key information, updates, news, regional insights and data through Priority One fortnightly newsletters and regular
    economic reports.



Medium business:
NZD$2,500 per annum (+GST)

Small business:
NZD$1,000 per annum. (+GST)


Membership opportunities are available for not-for-profit organisations and nontraditional organisations. For bespoke partnership opportunities with Priority One, we welcome a conversation to discuss options.

Priority One strategic work areas

Talent Attraction and Investment

A key driver of business growth in Tauranga Moana, Priority One takes a leadership role in bridging the existing skills gap in our workforce and preparing our region for future demands as the working population ages. We deliver strategic projects to attract skilled talent into the region and enable cross-sector collaboration to grow and retain local talent.


Priority One supports education to develop skills and talent for the future, providing students with information, pathways, and leadership opportunities, and encouraging Tauranga as an education destination. We operate as the link between school communities, tertiary education and business, collaborating with education providers to inspire and link local youth with future work opportunities within our business community.


Tauranga Moana’s profile as a centre of innovation within Aotearoa, New Zealand, is growing. Priority One focuses on fostering our sub-region’s innovation ecosystem and creating an environment where new ideas can thrive, maximising our competitive advantage. By developing our innovation eco-system, we aim to shift the sub-region’s industry sector mix to be more knowledge-intensive, creating higher-value jobs.

Māori Economic Development

Te pai me te whai rawa o Tauranga Moana ki te ao. The Māori economy is both significant and fundamental to lifting the region’s prosperity. Priority One connects with local iwi, to help support Toi Kai Rawa, our regional Māori economic development agency, to develop education and employment pathways for rangatahi (youth).


A strong sustainability position is essential for the Western Bay of Plenty economy to remain competitive. Priority One focuses on reducing carbon emissions and waste by influencing and supporting businesses, and by undertaking projects that can provide large scale impact on environmental, social and economic sustainability across the region.


Rapid population growth has put tremendous pressure on the Western Bay of Plenty’s existing infrastructure – with transport and housing challenged to keep pace. We act as a voice to central and local government to influence change in these areas.

City Centre Rejuvenation

To rejuvenate the city centre, Priority One connects with landowners and developers, encourages opportunities, and showcases the catalyst projects that help build momentum and position the city as the ideal place to live, work, play and study.

Priority One kaupapa

As the economic development agency for the Western Bay of Plenty, Priority One reflects a partnership between business, communities, Iwi/Māori and local authorities.

Priority One’s core role is to build sub-regional prosperity in a sustainable manner. Lifting the earning capacity of people in our community is critical; to do this, we need to grow and attract high-value organisations and industries, create more higher paying jobs, and encourage our people into these opportunities. We must also ensure we grow with intelligence as a region, catering to business and our wider community.

To deliver value to our members, Priority One executes work plans across several key sectors, including Talent Attraction and Investment, Innovation, Education, Māori Economic Development, City Centre Rejuvenation, Sustainability and Infrastructure.

The broad scope of our kaupapa provides a robust platform for us to operate at a strategic level. We remove roadblocks, connect those that need to meet, seek critical information for the benefit of our members, and develop work plans to ensure meaningful, sustainable growth across organisations and sectors within the region.

Become a member

Successful businesses means a successful region.

Member Application

Talk to us if you would like to know more about what being a member would look like for you and your business.

Membership Application
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please upload your current company logo: • 1x coloured with transparent background • 1x black and white with transparent background
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code


Priority One offers three tiers of membership
This will help us to provide you with the right information and communications