How Tauranga Moana will win the battle for talent, enabling a higher-skilled workforce and better employment outcomes for our community.
By 2050, Tauranga Moana will be a vibrant, green-led region, with a thriving economy and natural geographical resources that provide residents with a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Knowledge-led, export businesses will thrive leading to opportunities for all. The region will attract and retain top talent through an unbeatable lifestyle, collaborative leadership and meaningful partnerships, including with mana whenua. Priority One’s regional talent strategy is integral to achieving this vision for Tauranga Moana - ensuring local people are at the heart of regional prosperity.
Our Goal -
To win the battle for talent so our members can access the talent they need more easily than in comparable cities.
We will achieve this by:
• Growing local talent through education to employment pathways
• Recognising the important role of rangatahi Māori in the future workforce and support
initiatives that build mana to inspire educational achievement and work outcomes
• Retaining talent in the region by encouraging businesses to work together in preparing
for the Future of Work
• Attracting skilled talent from domestic and international sources
• Intensifying and accelerating knowledge-intensive jobs.
Our goal is to ensure everyone in our community has the ability to get a quality job locally.