Ara Rau employer and job seeker events postponed

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The Ara Rau team have been busy putting together fit for purpose workshops that support our employers and job seekers connect more effectively. On our journey to develop a positive, inclusive, and empowering employment culture across the region, we want to ensure everyone in our community has the opportunity of a quality job here.

With Covid back in the community, we will be postponing our events and pushing workshops back to later in September. With the hope we continue to work together as a team of 5 million and get Covid back out of NZ as quickly as possible!

We will update further details on our Ara Rau Facebook page, LinkedIn and through the Priority One newsletters.

The first employer workshop Journey to Inclusion has been postponed until Wednesday 29th September. The Infrastructure and Construction Industry Open day has been postponed to Tuesday 21st September. If Tauranga is in Alert Level 2 or higher on these dates, we will make a call on whether we run these events online or need to push the dates out further.

If you have any queries you can reach the Ara Rau team at