yia! rescheduled for October

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The Covid curse has struck again and unfortunately, we find ourselves in lockdown during the week we would have been having our yia! Finalists’ Workshops and yia! Awards Night.

But worry not! Thanks to our venue sponsors, the University of Waikato and Classic Flyers, we are today able to confirm rescheduled dates. These are:

  • Tuesday 26th October for the yia! Finalists’ Workshops at University of Waikato (Tauranga campus)
  • Thursday 28th October for the yia! Awards Night at Classic Flyers, Mt Maunganui

In addition, we are also able to confirm a yia! Teachers’ Workshop will be held on Thursday 11th November, also at the University of Waikato Tauranga campus.

A note too that yia! People’s Choice Voting was due to end today but we have decided to extend this until the rescheduled Finalists’ Workshop date of 26th October. Now’s a perfect time to have your say and vote!

People will justifiably have had their minds on the impact of lockdown over the last few days but we want to give everyone something to look forward to. Fingers crossed we will be out of lockdown and able to have these awesome events take place in late October!