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Anamata programme offers students a pathway into construction Fosters has partnered with Te Wharekura o Mauao  to launch the Anamata Programme, offering students a unique opportunity to...

Unpacking horticulture: Leadership, innovation, and career pathways with Southern Cross Horticulture

Last week, the Instep Young Leaders had their final Business Breakfast hosted on site by the team at Southern Cross...

WorkWell: boosting wellbeing at work

WorkWell is a free initiative that supports workplaces to “work better through wellbeing” The Bay of Plenty is one of...

The Tauranga Club: reopened for business

The revamped Tauranga Club has officially reopened and is welcoming new members (with a special offer for Priority One members)....

Mount Maunganui Industry Environmental Accord

10 October 2024 Mount Maunganui businesses sign Environmental Accord; commit to actions to improve footprint Twenty-nine businesses in the Mount...

Ara Rau is forging new paths to success

Ara Rau helps rangatahi redefine their paths to success by offering guidance as well as practical support to remove any...

Climate Transition Planning

In celebration of Tauranga Moana’s annual Climate Action Festival, Priority One partnered with Aurecon to deliver a Climate Transition Planning...

Forward speed needed to maintain Bay’s momentum

30/08/2024 Source: BOP Business News Figures shared between Western Bay of Plenty and Waikato in a recent report highlight the...

How do we bridge the gap between education and business to build our future workforce?

One of the keys to sustaining growth in a region lies in nurturing future talent. That's why connecting students with...
On Ramp 1

Speed dating for careers: Students gain real insights from professionals

The Onramp Workshop held at Aquinas College in August, facilitated by Stand Tall, was a carefully crafted programme designed to...

Instep Young Leaders meet National MPs: A day of insight and engagement

In a recent meeting, four of the Instep Young Leaders Jack Muir – Tauranga Boys’ College, Penny Doull – Tauranga...

From the South Pole to success: Leadership lessons for future leaders

At the Instep Young Leaders’ Breakfast, held early August at the University of Waikato, our aspiring leaders were introduced to...