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2022 Impact Rankings has Waikato University in top 5% in the world

The latest Times Higher Education Impact Rankings have confirmed the University of Waikato is delivering on its promise to provide...

Week-long interactive heritage experience for Tauranga

Remember when Tauranga had waterslides and a marine park at the beach? Or when the visiting circus would parade elephants...

Pacific Business Village – Support for business “the Pacific way”

Tauranga hosted the Minister of Pacific Peoples, Hon Aupito William Sio and members of the Pacific Caucus at the TECT...

Global Ambassadors: Creating positive impact within their local and global communities

On April 28th, the Global Ambassadors were finally able to hold their first full in-person general meeting for the year. The...
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Newsletter | 21 April 2022

Kia ora, The Tauranga by-election to replace departing National MP Simon Bridges has been announced to be held on Saturday...

Priority One Instep Young Leaders Investigate Hort Pathways

This year’s Priority One Instep Young Leaders’ Forum was finally able to convene in person with a breakfast event co-hosted...
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Newsletter | 7 April 2022

Kia ora, This month sees the opportunity for feedback on the options for Tauranga City Council’s Long-Term Plan amendment. You will...

CGC Landscape Company equip their leaders for success

Despite the stresses of operating in the ever changing and challenging Covid environment, David Clayton-Greene of CGC Landscaping Company recognised...

Sharp Tudhope Lawyers acknowledge the contribution of former partners as they move into consultant roles

With a combined 129 years of experience, former partners at Sharp Tudhope Lawyers, John Gordon, Bill Chapman and Alasdair Christie,...

Prioritising the things that matter – A Priority One update

As the Western Bay of Plenty region's economic development organisation, our job is to grow the economy of the region...
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Showcasing Sustainability – King St.

After taking a short break, we're pleased to bring you our next edition in the Showcasing Sustainability series. In this...
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Newsletter | 24 March 2022

Kia ora, Yesterday’s government announcement provides a level of confidence that we are making progress in returning to more familiar...