Blog – 28th May 2024

Showcasing the region to attract more international students Source: Greg Simmonds, Priority One General Manager – Workforce & Policy In April, Education Tauranga proudly hosted a delegation of international agents…

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Blog – 19th May 2024

Tauranga on the rise: Paving the way for future prosperity Source: Nigel Tutt, Priority One CEO The number of cranes in our city centre at the moment is a clear…

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Avah Smith: Inspiring Young Leader in the WBOP

We are exceptionally proud of Avah Smith, this remarkable young woman, a student from Tauranga Girls’ College, participated in the 2023 Instep Young Leaders’ Forum and has now returned in…

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New Mode Comes to Town

Tauranga is Aotearoa New Zealand’s fastest growing city and as we embark on our commitment towards being New Zealand’s most sustainable city, we see an opportunity to achieve this through…

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Critically thinking about the future

Recently Aurecon hosted the Instep Young Leaders’ Forum Business Breakfast. The session provided a unique platform for the young leaders to dig deep into the multifaceted area of design thinking…

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Sister cities visit cements relationships

A sister cities visit to Hitachi by a small delegation from Tauranga has helped cement strong relationships, particularly in the area of arts, culture and education exchanges. Hitachi Mayor, Mr.…

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Attracting skilled talent to the Western Bay of Plenty

It’s crucial to understand that attracting skilled talent goes beyond merely offering a job opportunity. Relocating entails a profound life decision, intertwining hope, aspiration, and practical considerations. Skilled professionals seek…

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Closing the loop – Activating circular economy in Tauranga

A noteworthy milestone in an ambitious circular construction initiative has been achieved through the combined efforts of Priority One, Tauranga City Council, and Mutu. Priority One’s Sustainability Lead Marissa Nikora,…

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A higher perspective on the city’s transformation

Since the inception of Priority One’s Tauranga CBD Blueprint  two years ago, the landscape of Tauranga’s city centre continues to undergo significant transformation, with over $1.5 billion in investments across…

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Leadership unleashed

On April 4th the Instep Young Leaders’ Forum had its first business breakfast for 2024. Students ventured out into the wee hours of the morning to learn about diverse leadership…

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Shifting A to B car free

Nearly 90% of journeys made in Tauranga are taken by private motor vehicle. Emissions produced from transport is the largest contributor to climate change within our region. This presented the opportunity…

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