Ara Rau’s first Industry Open Day

Ara Rau held their first successful Industry Open Day on Tuesday 21st September. With the industry spotlight on infrastructure in the Bay, there was a sizable turnout of local programme…

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Instep Young Leaders discover work identities

We were stoked to be able to host our most recent Instep Young Leaders’ Breakfast in person thanks to the kind flexibility of the University of Waikato. Despite social distancing,…

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New-look Instep Informer

Those familiar with the Instep Informer newsletter will be used to reading a retrospective summary of key Instep activities from each school term. While the once-a-term timing remains the same,…

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New Zealand hosts the APEC CEO Summit once every 21 years. This year, for the first time ever, the Summit will be live in Auckland, on 11 and 12 November,…

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Te Urungi: Innovating Aotearoa

As part of the government’s Arts and Culture COVID Recovery Programme, the Cultural Sector Innovation Fund is providing $60 million over the next three years to support innovative projects that…

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