Newsletter | 7 April 2022

Kia ora, This month sees the opportunity for feedback on the options for Tauranga City Council’s Long-Term Plan amendment. You will all be aware that the city’s financial plan has changed…

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CGC Landscape Company equip their leaders for success

Despite the stresses of operating in the ever changing and challenging Covid environment, David Clayton-Greene of CGC Landscaping Company recognised the benefits of providing leadership training for his diverse leadership…

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Showcasing Sustainability – King St.

After taking a short break, we’re pleased to bring you our next edition in the Showcasing Sustainability series. In this edition, we’re making a point to prove that ‘size doesn’t…

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Newsletter | 24 March 2022

Kia ora, Yesterday’s government announcement provides a level of confidence that we are making progress in returning to more familiar times. While Covid continues to negatively impact our wider economy, the…

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Are you prepared for the Future of Work?

The tight labour market continues to be the top cause of concern for many local businesses, and it’s unlikely to get easier anytime soon. Significant changes to the way we…

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Priority One Welcomes Commissioner Re-Appointment

Priority One Tauranga Moana applauds Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta’s decision to re-appoint Tauranga City Council’s Commission until July 2024, announced today. We acknowledge that this would not have been a straight-forward decision…

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Newsletter | 10 March 2022

Priority One Newsletter | 10 March 2022 Future of Work, yia! launch, Social procurement event wrap up, new member, labour short… Thursday, 10 March 2022 Kia ora We can admit…

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yia! – A new level of (workplace) engagement

The Young Innovator Awards has grown in terms of student, school and business participation over the last 2 years, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. The appetite for innovation and willingness to…

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