Top eateries win foodie festival challenge

A scotch egg dish and pyramid-shaped pasta have both proven a hit during the Coastal Bay of Plenty’s annual foodie festival. The winners of the Plates of Plenty Challenge have…

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Celebrating Twenty years of Instep

Priority One’s Instep programme supports our community’s pipeline of future talent by fostering a partnership between local business and schools. It recognises that for Tauranga Moana to have a sustainable…

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Fashion store with a health twist: First for Tauranga

AvaNiu Pasifika, a Pacific healthcare, education and social services provider in Tauranga, is opening a retail store of Pasifika-themed clothing, fabrics, and accessories. Called Niu Nesian, the store will be…

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Festival competition challenges tastebuds

The second annual Flavours of Plenty Festival kicks off today, with several of its 34 events already sold out. A dozen eateries are also competing in the Plates of Plenty…

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