Cultivating futures – become part of a Career Village at the Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Careers Expo

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Priority One is thrilled to introduce and support an innovative initiative that invites our members to actively contribute and make a significance difference in the region.

Do you have dedicated Pasifika team members who are passionate about making a genuine impact? Pacific Growth Services (PGS) is actively seeking individuals from various fields, including Health, Education, Engineering, Horticulture, (see full list below) to become part of a Career Village at the Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Careers Expo—a celebration of aspirations, connections, and empowerment.

PGS needs authentic contributors to showcase your business and help shape the career expo, that is tailored for the Pasifika communities. Your involvement will play a pivotal role in creating meaningful connections and fostering real opportunities. By collaborating you have an opportunity to guide the future work force towards successful and fulfilling career paths, ensuring employment in the region remains healthy and active.

PGS is an economic services provider based here in Tauranga, and has positioned itself as a catalyst for the empowerment of Pasifika communities. Rooted in a holistic perspective, PGS focuses on providing the necessary platforms and tools for Pasifika people and businesses to thrive. This commitment is exemplified through its initiative, the PGS’s holistic approach and the key elements that make the Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Careers Expo a unique and impactful event is due to PGS’s commitment to extend beyond traditional economic services. By establishing deep-rooted connections within the Bay of Plenty community, PGS has forged strong links with people, the business sector and education providers. These relationships are not static but are continually fostered, serving as avenues to support Pasifika people and businesses realise their potential. PGS believes in providing the right tools and opportunities to achieve success, adopting a holistic viewpoint that envisions thriving Pasifika communities as the ultimate outcome.

About the Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Careers Expo

The Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Careers Expo serves as a flagship event for PGS, embodying their commitment to empowering Pasifika youth of the Bay of Plenty. Targeting Pasifika Year 11 – Year 13 students, Pasifika tertiary students, Pasifika Waikato University students, and members of the Pasifika community seeking job changes, this expo is designed to be a transformative experience.

The expo leverages the influence of local professionals from diverse fields, ensuring representation that reflects the richness of Pasifika culture. These professionals share a common background with the youth they inspire, having grown up locally, attending the same schools and churches, and embracing the same cultural values. This diversity and shared experience make them relatable role models. The event showcases inspiring figures who serve as leaders paving the way for the next generation. These mentors enable the youth to envision their own potential by seeing themselves as successful professionals, creating a powerful connection between the present and the future.

The Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Careers Expo stands out by infusing the day with rich cultural heritage. Departing from the classic expo format, this event focuses on empowerment and motivation rather than merely presenting career options. It encourages youth to dream big and forge their own paths to success.

The expo goes beyond the conventional by prioritising the empowerment of Pasifika youth. Through an unconventional format that breaks away from the norm, the event is designed to build confidence.

The Pasifika Navigators of Tomorrow Careers Expo aims to build relationships and connection for future engagement with the Pasifika community and contribute to ongoing empowerment and development. Pacific Growth Services, through its approach and by providing the right tools, fostering connections, and celebrating cultural heritage, are not only shaping a positive impact on Pasifika youth but also contributing to the creation of thriving and empowered Pasifika communities.

The expo will be held Tuesday 26 March 2024 at Mercury Bay Park, 81 Truman Lane.

To learn more about the expo and to get your business involved email:

Career Villages

  • Health
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Horticulture  
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Local council
  • Law
  • Banking and Accounting
  • Aquaculture
  • Architecture

If you know if any students who are looking to explorer their career options register here.