Priority One’s year in review: Innovation

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Fostering our innovation eco-system and shifting the sub-region’s industry sector mix to be more knowledge-intensive will help create higher-value jobs.

Young Innovator Awards

The Young Innovator Awards programme (yia!) in 2023 supported the development of innovation capability and creativity amongst local intermediate and secondary school students. The 2023 yia! programme, sponsored by a number of innovative businesses, saw over 700 students participate, enabling connections with over 26 of the region’s most innovative businesses.

yia! Finalists’ Workshop 2023
yia! Awards Night 2023 highlights

Design & Innovation Meetups

Design & Innovation Meetups help connect local innovators, designers and those interested in design thinking throughout the sub-region. Priority One hosted three events: The Humans Are Dead (!?): Design at the Interface of Robots, People and New Products; Innovation, Sustainability and Climate Change – From talk to action; A Feast of an Innovation – Muti-sensory Experiences and End of Year Celebration; to an audience of 50 people each session.

Tauranga Moana Futures

Tauranga Moana Futures, which is part of our University City Strategy, was facilitated by Priority One in collaboration with Tauranga City Council and the University of Waikato. The programme delivered a range of activities to engage tertiary talent to fulfil the needs of business and the region while growing local innovation capability. Based on problem-solving, innovative philosophies, and working on projects that deliver on the needs of our growing city and region, in early 2023, the first scholarship and two impact labs were delivered.