Empowering change: A new initiative to combat family violence in New Zealand schools 

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In a recent meeting with MP Angie Warren-Clark, Instep’s Young Leader, Robert Unsworth, proposed an initiative aimed at combating family violence. The meeting was for Robert to raise awareness about the issue of family violence in New Zealand. The discussions culminated in a plan that not only seeks to shed light on this issue but also to provide tangible support for victims and survivors. 

At the heart of Robert’s initiative, known as AWARE with YES!, is a powerful call to action, urging society to recognise and address the challenges posed by family violence in New Zealand. Robert’s passion for the cause led him to reach out to Angie Warren-Clark, whose expertise and advocacy in social issues are widely recognised. Angie’s insights proved invaluable as she offered guidance and advice on how to effectively channel efforts toward this noble cause. 

A standout feature of Robert’s project is the proposed “Mufti Purple Day,” a concept that is both innovative and impactful. Purple Token Day aims to engage students across New Zealand secondary schools in a united effort to raise awareness about family violence. On this day, students would wear purple, a color symbolising support for the cause, and contribute a gold coin donation. The donations collected would then be directed towards various charities working in the field of family violence, emphasising the collaborative effort needed to tackle this critical issue. 

In addition to Purple Token Day, Robert has also suggested the implementation of the “Tautoko Mai” a consent training program in schools. This program, also known as Mates & Dates, would be aimed at year 11, 12, and 13 students. By equipping young individuals with knowledge about consent and healthy relationships, that seeks to promote a culture of respect and empathy from a young age. Robert’s aspiration to introduce this program in Western Bay of Plenty schools showcases his commitment to initiating meaningful change at the grassroots level. 

Angie Warren-Clark’s support for Robert’s endeavors is not merely symbolic; it extends to a practical level. Warren-Clark pledged her support and offered her network to aid in the implementation of these ideas. Her willingness to connect with key figures such as Minister of Women, Jan Tinetti, demonstrates a concerted effort to ensure that these initiatives gain the traction they deserve. 

Robert’s ambition knows no bounds, as he envisions a video campaign to amplify the impact of his initiatives. His plan involves enlisting the support of the Instep Young Leaders’ Forum to encourage schools in Tauranga Moana to participate. Once local schools are on board, Robert plans to create a compelling video aimed at school leaders all-over New Zealand. This video will not only explain the purpose of the initiatives but also highlight the widespread involvement in the region to lend credibility to the cause.

As Purple Token Day gains momentum and support, it stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, determination and the shared goal of eradicating family violence. It is through such remarkable initiatives and the passion and tenacity of our young leader that societal change can be forged. Robert is leaving a legacy of awareness, empathy, and hope for people living with family violence.

To learn more and show your support click: www.purpletokenday.com