Instep Young Leaders discover work identities

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We were stoked to be able to host our most recent Instep Young Leaders’ Breakfast in person thanks to the kind flexibility of the University of Waikato. Despite social distancing, food serving and contact tracing protocols, the students were happy to be able to get together again for the first time since we came out of lockdown.

This time around, the Young Leaders were provided a potentially life-altering opportunity as an Instep first; engaging the services of people coach and facilitator, Jules Simpson, the students completed a TMS survey. They then unpacked their individual profiles to better understand their own work preferences and those of their fellow Young Leaders.

It was incredibly interesting to see the range of work preference indicators and types represented in this group of highly motivated young people. The aim was to encourage a greater degree of self-awareness which would enable more effective leadership; particularly for those moving onto new challenges in study and work as the year draws to a close.

If you’d like to know more about Jules and the TMS system she uses, or to engage her services to get the best out of your team, check out her website here.