Te Urungi: Innovating Aotearoa

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Te Urungi- Innovating Aotearoa 

As part of the government’s Arts and Culture COVID Recovery Programme, the Cultural Sector Innovation Fund is providing $60 million over the next three years to support innovative projects that improve the sustainability and resilience of the cultural sector in Aotearoa.

The first round is being delivered through a series of nationwide regional and online events called Te Urungi: Innovating Aotearoa. Led by Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, these immersive and collaborative events are designed to harness our creative energy and innovative spirit as a collective, to fuel bold ideas that enable the sector to adapt and thrive.

Registrations are open to those who work in arts, culture and heritage, as well as the tech sector, entrepreneurs, community organisations, kaupapa Māori initiatives and others. Anyone with an innovative idea and an interest in arts, culture, heritage and the enormous value it brings to Aotearoa is encouraged to register.

More information about the Te Urungi: Innovating Aotearoa event schedule can be found here

Kia rapahoe te uru, anō he matimati nō Tangaroa ā te Toi.
When the blade of the steering paddle plunges into the water, it becomes the creative fingers of Tangaroa.