Further education with Fruition Horticulture

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Information from Fruition Horticulture (BOP) Ltd (Nov 2020)  

He Turanga Mo Te Mahi – Foundation for Employment in Horticulture (Level 2)

He Tūranga Mō Te Mahi is a 16-week programme available to youth aged 16-19 years, who are not engaged in education or employment (NEET’s). Pastoral care of our rangatahi (youth) is provided throughout their journey with us and remain accessible to them past the end date of the programme. Successful graduates may be offered employment upon completion, though options for further study or entry into other industries will be made available as well.  For more information and to enrol go to http://fruition.ac.nz/programmes/level-2

Lincoln University Regional Diploma in Horticulture (Level 5)

Fruition Horticulture offers the Lincoln University Regional Diploma in Horticulture. These are the same papers and standards as offered at the Lincoln campus but available in the Bay of Plenty and Nelson as evening or afternoon classes.  Students gain their qualification while being able to stay in their place of work. Remember fees are free until end December 2022.

The papers on offer in Tauranga for 2021 starting Tuesday 19 January are: Computing and Communications, and Soils and Soil Management.

For more information and an application form please email wendybradley@fruition.net.nz

Our Lincoln Horticulture Diploma students on their field trip to vegetable production units – September 2020

Fruition Diploma in Horticulture (Level 6)

  • Location: Distance Learning
  • Duration: 72 Weeks (over 2 years)
  • Starts Wednesday 20 January 2021
  • Free fees until the end of December 2022.

This programme develops the skills and knowledge of those employed within horticulture production enabling them to contribute at an advanced technical or managerial level. This programme focuses on the specialist requirements for ‘process improvement’ for the purpose of meeting domestic and international market requirements and emerging opportunities for horticultural products.

Graduates of this programme will be able to apply in-depth horticulture production knowledge and skills to inform strategic business decisions.  Learners will develop advanced technical skills to enable enhanced employment opportunities across a range of horticulture production operations.  The horticulture industry will benefit by having experienced technical specialists who can optimise workplace efficiency and lift the competitive edge of organisations servicing the domestic and international markets.

For more information and to enrol go to http://fruition.ac.nz/programmes/level-6

Free trades training

Due to the Governments Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund both the Lincoln University Regional Diploma in Horticulture (L5) and the Fruition Diploma in Horticulture (L6) are free trades training for the next two years (ends 31 Dec 2022).  Perfect timing to upskill and study either of the Diploma’s detailed here.