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Why it’s okay to hit pause
Source: Samantha Bainbridge, previous Instep Young Leader
Thinking back to the lead up into my final year of college, I knew exactly where I was headed. It was all planned out, I had my five-year plan, and I was certain of it. I was off to uni and extremely excited, while also terrified for my new adventure.
I had no doubt that university was my next step. For me, a gap year wasn’t a consideration. I wasn’t going to let myself slow down after 13 years of school—after all what’s another five years for veterinarian study.
That was the expectation I had created for myself. I was so focused on my future and the money I’d one day make. And everyone around me had the same expectation, after college you go straight to university.
I moved to a new city, over five hours away, where I knew no one. I quickly felt the weight of that decision. As a young person, escaping from your hometown can be a thoroughly enjoyable experience, but for me it was the opposite. I didn’t understand the value of home until I left. And I realised I hadn’t stopped to let myself breathe. After all those years at school, I didn’t stop to think what I needed most, and that was to slow down.
What I discovered is that it’s okay to hit the pause button. My future didn’t need to revolve around racing to the end of a degree that I wasn’t ready for. More importantly, it is okay to take a gap year. Like many others, I used to look down on the gap year. However, after having taken an unexpected one, I realise how great they can be.
Going into the workforce and into a full-time role opened my eyes to what my future could look like. There are so many pathways to consider. Maybe you will love the job you are in and want to pursue a career in it down that track, or maybe that job will confirm that university is your next step.
Regardless, the key message I wanted to share is that no matter where you are, and what choices you make—whether it’s a future in the trades, working full time, studying, or even if you don’t have a clue, they are all right. Focus on yourself and don’t let the expectations of others wear you down. Always remember: your future is a blank canvas, and you hold the brush. Picture the life you want and take steps that align with what makes you feel inspired, motivated, and true to yourself. Keep your goals close, make choices that reflect you, and don’t be afraid to create a path that’s uniquely yours.