Talent Update – October 2022

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Greg Simmonds, General Manager – Workforce and Policy

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Kia ora koutou,

Welcome to our new Talent Update – a quarterly post, highlighting the latest developments and success in the talent space for our region.

It was great seeing so many of you at our AGM held at the Bay of Plenty Youth Development Trust on Tuesday evening. A huge thank you to Craig Nees and his team for hosting us, and providing the perfect backdrop to highlight both the Trust’s work in developing well-rounded, vibrant, independent youth who are work-fit and active contributors to their communities, along with Priority One’s own efforts to grow a prosperous and sustainable economy, underpinned by skilled talent.

We’ve put together a short video, showcasing just some of the work we’re doing with our business members to support the growth, retention and targeted attraction of skills and talent in Tauranga Moana, which you can watch in the link below.

We encourage you to read our new Talent Action Plan, which supports Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty build its reputation as a magnet for the talent local businesses need, along with our first Sector Talent Plan developed with local tech and professional services businesses. 

If you are interested in learning more about our actions to create a positive, inclusive, empowering employment culture in Tauranga Moana, then please get in touch with our Workforce Project Manager, Meg Davis: meg@priorityone.co.nz 

Ngā mihi nui,Greg
Greg Simmonds, General Manager – Workforce and Policy

The Tauranga Moana Talent Action Plan has been developed to demonstrate the work Priority One is undertaking to support the current and future talent needs of the region. This document showcases how we connect youth and business, support pathways for rangatahi Māori, and prepare the current workforce and local employers for the Future of Work.

The most important contribution we can make to regional prosperity, is to ensure local people, businesses, and the region are well prepared to transition successfully into a Future of Work at a time when skilled talent is hard to find and retain. The Sector Talent Plan outlines how we are working directly with the Technology & Professional Services sector to initiate a strategy to support business through the ongoing talent crunch.