Ara Rau Industry Open Day – Higgins: building the pathway to industry careers

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Ara Rau Pathways to Work is committed to supporting the holistic growth and well-being of our people as they navigate their career paths. We’re here to work alongside local employers to understand their needs and collaborate to create innovative solutions to meet current and future skill needs. 

On Thursday 26th May Ara Rau Pathways to Work partnered with Higgins for their fifth industry open day. Hosted at one of the largest construction sites in the Western Bay, the Higgins Open Day showcased a diverse range of opportunities in the industry and presented the many pathways that are open to individuals in pursuit of a career in Infrastructure. 

Ara Rau’s Industry Open Days have proven to be a success with businesses, organisations and the community, regularly attracting an audience at capacity – and this was no exception. More than 70 keen and enthusiastic individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds attended the Higgins Open Day, eager to learn more about the career opportunities and gain an understanding of what’s needed to sign up for the vacancies Higgins are currently recruiting for in Tauranga Moana. 

Over 14 organisations who offer help for job seekers, training and work readiness programmes were there in support, commenting “The Industry Open Days have created a connected community where we are sharing our resources and supporting the efforts to lift the Tauranga Moana community.” 

But Ara Rau won’t be stopping here – as we roll into June, we look forward to running more Industry Open Days over a wider range of sectors to help showcase all the opportunities available here. 

You can learn more about Ara Rau Pathways to Work here, or get in touch with us at And be sure to keep up to date by following us on social at LinkedIn and Facebook