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Caring for our environment means we will be caring for our people. Our environment provides us with the resources we need to thrive in society. Our Showcasing Sustainability project encourages businesses to take the next steps on their sustainability journey.
Our next case study in the Showcasing Sustainability series looks at Comvita, a global leader in the creation of Mānuka honey, who are leading by example with their sustainability journey. Comvita are making efforts with their carbon action, nature restoration, and advancements in caring for bees.
We are excited to share that Comvita will be encouraging Bay of Plenty businesses to join their movement and apply one or more of their Harmony Plan principles in their own organisation by: leading climate action; restoring nature; and saving bees.
To let them know you have joined the movement, share your initiative on LinkedIn: tag @comvitalimited and hashtag #comvitaplant1000trees within your story. Comvita, in turn, will ‘pledge to plant’ 1,000 extra native seedlings on top of their planned planting programme (up to 100,000 in total) and possibly join forces on the new initiatives.