
"The world of innovation is huge and growing. There is no bad idea and by putting your idea out there, you never know where it might lead and what doors could open for you in the future." - Ella Waterreus, YiA Student
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"Innovation is more than economic growth – it’s about progress and change in everything we do. In a world where the only constant is change, innovation is a critical mindset. Tauranga’s exciting future will be built on a wave of innovation - innovation in our schools, businesses and communities. " - Jono Jones, Chief Product and Innovation Officer, Blue Lab

SOL is a programme of workshops about leading and managing innovation for students doing summer projects with companies in the region.  The programme helps companies provide professional development for students and aims to give them an awesome learning experience.  The programme is free, and is coordinated and sponsored by Priority One.

Collaborating with Callaghan Innovation and HortNZ, a guide was built for students who are working in Tauranga and the Western Bay over the summer. This is designed to help companies support students who aren’t from the region, covering topics like student accommodation, professional and career development opportunities, and social activities and events. For more information on this contact Shane Stuart.

Priority One supports and coordinates Design Thinking and Innovation BOP, which meets every month to share ideas, expertise and experience.  We welcome anyone and everyone who is interested in innovation, design thinking, user insight, social initiatives, business design and anything in between.  If you’re new to the region, or looking to build your networks, this is a great group to connect with.

Priority One is focused on supporting the development of world class science in our region. Initiatives we support include the University of Waikato’s Coastal Marine Field Station and Blue/Green Tech Lab.

Priority One also supported the establishment of PlantTech Research Institute in Tauranga, a unique initiative, focused on bringing cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence research to horticulture.